Cherry Picking Hurts Traders!

Cherry picking - hurts traders

The Goal

To find more money in less time by trading our edge EVERY time it appears.

The Simple

To show ideal trade after ideal trade and to make trading seem easy.

The Not Easy

Accepting that not every instance of our trading edge will make money and how to manage those instances.

The Discussion

Hello my trading friends!

It makes perfect sense to find a good model to follow and mentor to guide us in our new endeavors. Model those who have already succeeded is a path to success.  Yes, the above are real results of winning trades from one of the trading strategies we will learn.  How will this hurt us as traders?

We have been shown perfect trade, after perfect trade, after perfect trade by many of these ones we have decided to model ourselves after. Only showing the perfect trade, after perfect trade, after perfect trade is cherry picking.  

Not too long after we try things for ourselves, we usually begin to have failures. We wonder why we are not able to reproduce the results of the model we are following. That is a very natural reaction.

We look closely for what we might be missing. Then we join a trading rooms in order to find out what we are doing wrong. Then most of us just end up doing what the group leader is doing.

That process does not provide us with any confidence, freedom or get us closer to our goal.

Please do not get me wrong. We do have a trading room. At the time of this writing, we provide a couple of one hour sessions a week where we undo the cherry picking mentality.

We do not have an all day trading room. Why? We teach you to be confident and live the life of freedom that trading can provide for us.

To only show the good trades, winning trades, is cheating us. In the end we learn how to cheat ourselves.

Showing us perfect trade, after perfect trade, after perfect trade sets the wrong expectation. It sets us up for failure. It puts fear in our heats and works against our goal of taking our trading edge every time we see it.

Without the bad, losing trades, we miss learning the really important parts of our trading edge.

Without the bad, losing trades, we fail to understand true probabilities.

Without the bad, losing trades, we fail obtain the confidence to make money, to make our living at trading.

We must learn how to manage ourselves and our money when our trading edge and the markets do not agree.

The Reminder

Stop looking for the perfect trade, trade your edge and accept what the market gives to you. The money will come.

Next we will consider the one indicator that our three trading edges are based on.

Have a wonderful day!

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